Hello World!

Hi there everybody! This is Aniruddha. Why am I here today? I have been thinking for a few days, maybe weeks that I should write about my experiences – the places I travel to, the people I meet, the food I taste, the music I listen to and lots more. Life is an abundance of priceless moments. What do I feel when I experience such a moment? Maybe a rush of happiness or pure joy or maybe a fleeting moment of calm. Sometimes I take photos to keep those moments safe. But sometimes all of it cannot be captured in a frame. Somethings leave an indelible mark on your mind or your heart. Some people write about it in a diary to keep them safe. I have never been a person who writes about his experiences. But as time passes and I grow as a person, I have started to feel there is immense value in writing as well.

One person has played an instrumental role in making me believe in writing about your thoughts and feelings – all things good and bad. She’s my girlfriend Oindrila. We have been together for more than five years now and to be honest, it’s been a roller-coaster ride. But we have made so many memories that it would probably take us some time to relive them again. But isn’t that what life is all about? Isn’t it about those priceless moments – those memories?

This blog is the result of her thoughts and our efforts. Both of us moved to a new country a few months back. But as destiny would have it, we ended up even further apart than we were back home. But as cliched as it may sound, some doors open when others close. We have been meeting more frequently in the last 7 months than we used to back home. And that feels good – a rush of happiness when we meet, a fleeting moment of calm when we spend time together and a pure joy to plan the next trip together. We have been to amazing places with and without each other. But we have planned to document all that we experience on these pages. We’ll write, we’ll capture the moments and let life surprise us all the while!

Wish us all the best for our journey! We are the two on trail.

My first visit to Nalanda


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