The Conspiracy- My tape was short!

 ”   ”  There was a time, when creatures existed, similar to human beings, that had both the sex organs, one of the male and the other of female. The gods, after creation, realized, that these, were some among the few that existed, who had power more than the gods themselves- ‘these organisms could produce life’!! The alarm bell rang…The gods decided to break them, shatter them! And then the two sexes of so called human beings came into existence.        

 The tour of Adam and Eve to Earth, set the alarm even more loud! Human beings had learnt to reproduce yet again…Worse this time, because, they had learnt to go against the rules of heaven! They had learnt to taste the FORBIDDEN!        

 Forbidden, that Adam and Eve were, the earth had to become the place to survive… The water had to become the ultimate secret to life. And then they made love. A new ‘Life’ came into existence! They fed that life with the food they had- the same forbidden fruit, the water they lived upon! This new life learnt to call them ,its Mother and Father… It remained a LOVE CHILD, with the same scar of disloyalty to the gods…”—– The myth runs so.    

   “It learned to search for its Soulmate, the one like it, with the light on the left shoulder. And then it learned to look into the eyes and get a destination for the life ahead.”—– The myth says so.And thus the concept of Love took birth. We form a Forbidden Clan.. And yet we learn to believe people, to trust people, even when we know, that once, some day THE TWO had broken the belief of the gods! We form the Conspiracy.. Conspiracy against the gods.. Even a conspiracy, needs trust and belief! The same trust and belief that we had unitedly, as sperms and ovum, broken once!!We call ourselves THE GOOD, even if we know, what THE BAD consists of, and that, has its seeds implanted in US! That is why we just CALL ourselves good. The gods are afraid today… We had broken rules, and we are revealing the secrets of heaven gradually! We are trying to be instrumental in making the Universe BELIEVE that GOD DOES NOT EXIST! Mark you, the same universe that had once been created by a know-not-who! This  ‘Know-not-who’, is the title, the gods are afraid of…They love themselves being called, ‘The God’… until some day, some day, some day……..”…………….. and my cassette gets stuck there!

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